Saturday, September 20, 2008

Yes, You Can Make Money And Help Feed Hungry Children!

Take action, you can send an email with a video link to a friend, can you?

Do you want to make money and help feed hungry children at the same time?

Click here.

Want to know more about this simple global online business?

Call me at 65 9856 5007 or email me at

Friday, September 5, 2008

Millions Have Made Money Online, Why Not You?

Just send this viral marketing email and not only you will make money online, you can help millions worldwide to make money online too!

Here's the email, the subject: "You can make money online with this viral marketing email!"

Remember the last time you watched a magic show, what was the question on your mind? "How did he do it?" Most likely that was your question, isn't it?

Making money online seems like magic to millions of people because they don't know how, they don't know the process of doing it?

Have not started anything yet online? Don't know how to start and still waiting? Remember the popular Nike slogan: Just Do It!

"Nothing happens until something moves." - Albert Einstein.

You are going to make your first $100 online with this viral marketing email and all you have to do is to follow exactly the instruction here. It may take three to six months depending on how many emails you sent each day and it is going to be exciting and fun when you start making your first $100 online!

Click on this website link: and register for your global online business for a 7-day free trial.

After you have registered for your online business you can promote the business exactly the same way I am doing now only this time this email will have your website links instead of mine and that is the only change you will make to this email.

Send this email to as many friends as possible and they will thank you for it because they can try the business free for 7 days and do exactly what you are doing and learn how to make money online!

Remember how hotmail got started by offering free hotmail accounts and everyone was talking about it and sharing it with their loved ones, relatives and friends? By December 1997, it reported more than 8.5 million subscribers. It was sold later that month to Microsoft for $400 million. Today it has grown to an estimated 260 million users worldwide!

Millions worldwide are looking for a simple way to make money online and now you can help them do it! There are millions of people who just want to work from home with their computers and they are waiting for you to show them how to do it?

Never underestimate the power of viral marketing. Try the business for free for 7 days and send this email to as many people as possible. Just do it!

Click on this website link:

Monday, August 18, 2008

Do You Wanth An Extra $500 or $1,000 A Month?

I am looking for business partners to work on this
exciting win-win home-based business coaching
program. Start making $500 for each referral and
at the same time make a positive difference to
people's lives!

Please forward this email to friends who want to
learn how to make money in a home-based business
program and help others to do the same.

You will agree I have a lot to offer having been in
the network marketing business for 15 years and
written 10 books on this wonderful industry, wouldn't
you? I am very passionate about this home-based
business because it has given me the opportunity
to live my dreams!

I am Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach
and will like to make a positive difference to
millions of lives in Asia and the world.

Over the years I have invested over $70,000 in
personal development and business education
and over $10,000 to learn how to make money
online, and I want to help people make money
offline and online in a home-based business
to enable them to live their dreams!

There is a huge market where there are millions
of people who are smart enough to see the value
of this coaching program and want to leverage on
my knowledge and experience. I am offering great
value plus an opportunity to enjoy the program
for free!

I've launched a very attractive 3-month coaching
program to coach you step by step on how to
make $1,000 to $10,000 a month in network
and if you want to work from home
with your computer, I will also coach you how
to make money online.

The 45-minute weekly private coaching sessions
will be limited to 5 persons for each session.
The first few groups will also have the opportunity
to be selected to be my business partners and
be trained to be trainers of this special program
and conductthis special coaching program in
the near future in Singapore
and other countries.

The soft launch coaching fee is now at $2,000 and
will be increased to $4,000 on 1st January 2009 so
literally you are getting a 50% discount right now!
If you are a participant in this program, you will
benefit greatly and can confidently recommend it
to your loved ones, relatives and friends.

I also include a free full-day seminar: Create Wealth
And Live Your Dreams for participants to get together
every three months. If you are a participant in this
special program you will be able to enjoy a 50%
referral fee which is $1,000 and when you refer two
persons to this coaching program you can enjoy
the program for free!

If you are not participating in the program you can
make part-time income through referrals, if any of
your loved ones, relatives or friends participate in
my program, I will reward you with a very generous
25% referral fee which means right now you can
earn $500 for each referral. This is a good part-time
income, isn't it?

Imagine when you give two referrals a month and
they participated in this progam, that will be $1,000
part-time income for you! You will agree that many
people will appreciate having $1,000 extra a month.
It can make a positive difference to a person's life,
isn't it?

I am so confident in the great value of my coaching
program that I personally give a risk-free one-year
guarantee that you will make at least $12,000 in
12 months or 100% of your money back! This
guarantee will make it easy for you to promote
this program.

Call me for more details at 65 9856 5007 if you
are interested to particpate in this special coaching
program or just want to be my business partner to
give me referrals. Call soon because each session
is only limited to five persons!

I also have a digital package worth US$403 which
I am offering it to people who are smart enough to
see the value and grab it for a crazy price of $27 only!
You will also get to know me better and learn how
I can make a positive difference to your life when
you visit my website, click here.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Network with millions of people in India!

Imagine networking with millions of people in India
to top into a giant market with over a billion people!
Talking about leveraging, this is it!

Imagine you are given a road map to success,
you will follow it, won't you? Your road map to
success starts here!

4 Simple Steps:

1. Watch the 13-minute video, click here.

2. You like what you hear and see, call Bruce
at 9856 5007 for a business opportunity preview
If you live in USA or Canada, you can join online.
My 4Life ID No. is 6521874 which you will need
for the Enroller ID and Sponsor ID. You will have
a comprehensive business kit plus workshops
to teach you how to do the business.

3. After you have attended the business opportunity
preview, you will be able to make a decision whether
if this home-based business is for you or you may
just want to be a smart consumer to order the
great health supplements and skin care products
at wholesale prices, direct from the manufacturer,
there is no membership fee to be a preferred customer.

4. Email me or call me at 65 9856 5007 or skype
at: bruceseah and ask me if you have any questions
on the business and if you live in USA or Canada and
you joined online, I will send you the download link
for the digital online support package.

Important note: There are over one billion people in India.
Do you have friends in India? Do you know someone who have
friends in India? Ask and you shall receive, all you need
to do is to ask your friends if they know some enterprising
friends in India who is willing to take a look at the business
opportunity? Everyone is excited about the huge India market!

4Life has just expanded to India and Hong Kong in July, yes this month! 4Life has offices there to support your business. 4Life will be expanding
to Indonesia soon!

Call 9856 5007 for a free business opportunity presentation.

Please share this email with friends who are looking for
a home-based business opportunity.
Zemanta Pixie

Friday, June 27, 2008

Network, Connect and Build A Global Business!

Yes, you can network, connect and build a global business
with 4Life, an international company operating in over 40 countries!

You can make $10,000 or more a month in 2 to 3 years
with 4Life if you really work for it. Why take 20 to 30 years
working very hard for a boss when you can do it in
2 to 3 years working for yourself?

Do you know that many people take 20 to 30 years
working very hard for a boss to earn $10,000 a month?

Now you have the opportunity working smart on a proven
and tested business for yourself for 2 to 3 years to
earn $10,000 a month of residual income! You can take
3 to 5 years if you want to, you work at your own
time and pace, it is all up to you!

You have a company that based on my 14 years of
experience qualify to be a great company which means
it has:

Great Management
Great Range of Products
Great Compensation Plan
Great Support System Offline and Online.

Introducing the 4LIfe business opportunity.

Watch the video at the visitor-friendly website.
just click on the opportunity button above
the website, go to:

If you live in USA or Canada, you can simply join online
by keying in my 4Life ID No.6521874

When you start with a Diamond4Life Package or
a Leader4Life Package, you will have an exclusive
US$5,403 worth of offline and online support from
me for free!

If you want to seriously work the business you can
start with the Diamond4Life Package which is US$400
or a Leader4Life Package which is US$100 only.

If you just want to try out the business or just
be a smart consumer, you can join as:
Associate starts at US$50
Preferred Customer, there is no requirement.

Take a look at the digital package I will be offering
you at my website, click here.

You will have a global support system that comes with
a comprehensive business kit plus "Leader in You Academy"
workshops to ensure you know everything you need to know
to build a successful 4LIfe business!

If you are looking for a great company, I've already done
the research for you and now you can leverage on my
knowledge, experience and support for free!

What are you waiting for? Take action towards achieving
your dreams! Give me a call at 9856 5007

For details of the business opportunity preview
or if you live in USA or Canada, you can join online,
go to:
Zemanta Pixie

Friday, June 13, 2008

Grab This Special Offer Now!

If you live in Singapore, act fast and grab this offer
before it is gone!

You can start your home-base business with a
value package for only $290! Your package
includes great health supplement and a special
business kit plus a risk-free 30-day money-back
guarantee from me! There's more! You will also
enjoy an exclusive US$5,403 worth of offline and
online support for free!

There's more! You will also enjoy five workshops
for free plus $400 worth of products when you
complete the program, plus a recognition pin,
a business organizer, a company's shirt and
free dinner!

This special offer is only for those living in Singapore!

Limited seats, act fast, call 9856 5007 soon!
Zemanta Pixie

Monday, June 2, 2008

Do You Want $5,403 Worth of Offline and Online Support For FREE?

What if I share with you a story of John, a young 22-year old man with a big dream, he started his home-based business 12 months ago and his last cheque was a comfortable $4,728 and he is now full time and averaging $4,500 a month! A simple story but it starts you thinking that if this young man can do it, I can do it too, isn't it?

Well you can do it too because thousands have done it! It is not something that you see in the guiness world of records, it is happening around you over and over again! So here's the opportunity for you.

Visit the website, click here.

I have specially developed an offline and online support package worth $5,403 and you can have it for free when you are part of my team and I am determined to help you be successful because your success is part of my success. You can now leverage on 14 years of home-based business experience for free!

Call Bruce at 65 98565007

If you live in USA or Canada, you can join online, just click here. For the Enroller ID and Sponsor ID, just key in my 4life ID No.

Click on the "opportunity" button above the website and watch the 15-minute video and just do it!