Monday, August 18, 2008

Do You Wanth An Extra $500 or $1,000 A Month?

I am looking for business partners to work on this
exciting win-win home-based business coaching
program. Start making $500 for each referral and
at the same time make a positive difference to
people's lives!

Please forward this email to friends who want to
learn how to make money in a home-based business
program and help others to do the same.

You will agree I have a lot to offer having been in
the network marketing business for 15 years and
written 10 books on this wonderful industry, wouldn't
you? I am very passionate about this home-based
business because it has given me the opportunity
to live my dreams!

I am Asia No.1 Home-Based Business Coach
and will like to make a positive difference to
millions of lives in Asia and the world.

Over the years I have invested over $70,000 in
personal development and business education
and over $10,000 to learn how to make money
online, and I want to help people make money
offline and online in a home-based business
to enable them to live their dreams!

There is a huge market where there are millions
of people who are smart enough to see the value
of this coaching program and want to leverage on
my knowledge and experience. I am offering great
value plus an opportunity to enjoy the program
for free!

I've launched a very attractive 3-month coaching
program to coach you step by step on how to
make $1,000 to $10,000 a month in network
and if you want to work from home
with your computer, I will also coach you how
to make money online.

The 45-minute weekly private coaching sessions
will be limited to 5 persons for each session.
The first few groups will also have the opportunity
to be selected to be my business partners and
be trained to be trainers of this special program
and conductthis special coaching program in
the near future in Singapore
and other countries.

The soft launch coaching fee is now at $2,000 and
will be increased to $4,000 on 1st January 2009 so
literally you are getting a 50% discount right now!
If you are a participant in this program, you will
benefit greatly and can confidently recommend it
to your loved ones, relatives and friends.

I also include a free full-day seminar: Create Wealth
And Live Your Dreams for participants to get together
every three months. If you are a participant in this
special program you will be able to enjoy a 50%
referral fee which is $1,000 and when you refer two
persons to this coaching program you can enjoy
the program for free!

If you are not participating in the program you can
make part-time income through referrals, if any of
your loved ones, relatives or friends participate in
my program, I will reward you with a very generous
25% referral fee which means right now you can
earn $500 for each referral. This is a good part-time
income, isn't it?

Imagine when you give two referrals a month and
they participated in this progam, that will be $1,000
part-time income for you! You will agree that many
people will appreciate having $1,000 extra a month.
It can make a positive difference to a person's life,
isn't it?

I am so confident in the great value of my coaching
program that I personally give a risk-free one-year
guarantee that you will make at least $12,000 in
12 months or 100% of your money back! This
guarantee will make it easy for you to promote
this program.

Call me for more details at 65 9856 5007 if you
are interested to particpate in this special coaching
program or just want to be my business partner to
give me referrals. Call soon because each session
is only limited to five persons!

I also have a digital package worth US$403 which
I am offering it to people who are smart enough to
see the value and grab it for a crazy price of $27 only!
You will also get to know me better and learn how
I can make a positive difference to your life when
you visit my website, click here.

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