Thursday, May 29, 2008

When There is No Risk And So Much To Gain, Why Not Do It?

Here's an irresistible offer: a simple, profitable and duplicable home-based business!

You get $5,403 worth of offline and online support for free!
See the digital package worth $403 at my website, click here.

You get to leverage on my 14 years of home-based business experience and over $70,000 investment in personal development and business education.

You get a 2-hour workshop and weekly 45-minute follow up session for the next three months.

You get $372 worth of health supplements that will strengthen your heart and boost up your immune system to protect you from contagious and deadly viruses!

You get a comprehensive business kit with CDs and VCDs.

You get a set of four books worth $47 and I will show you how to attend my one-day Create Wealth And Live Your Dreams Seminar for free!

All of the above for a one-time investment of only $297.
You have a 30-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee!

For more information, give me a call at 9856 5007. This offer is only for those who live in Singapore. For those who live in USA and Canada, I have another special offer, email me at for the details.

Monday, May 26, 2008

An Event For You To Learn, Network and Connect!

Based on my 14 years of home-based business experience
I've developed this special Deliver What is Promised (DWiP)
program which is very affordable at only $290 and very safe -
you have a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee!
And I stake my reputation on it!

It includes an exclusive three-month offline and online
support worth US$5,403 for free! I also have this bonus
convention ticket which cost $50 and it is only available
to the first ten people who take this program! As you
can see for yourself the value is so much greater than
the one-time program fee! In marketing this is what we
call an irresistible offer!

I will be conducting a free preview on this program and
it will be held on Wednesday 28 May and Wednesday 4 June.

7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
#17-01 Shaw House
Orchard Road (next to Isetan)

Please call me at 9856 5007 to confirm your attendance.

4Life Research has been in business for 10 years and
operates in over 40 countries and its products are based
on 50 years of research and over 3,000 medical studies.
The products are recommended by many prominent doctors
and listed in the Physician's Desk Reference.

There is no obligation to do the business, it is an option,
you are most welcomed to be a preferred customer and
enjoy the benefits of the products at wholesale prices.
I will also show you how to get the products for free!

For more information, visit 4Life website, click on the
"opportunity" button above the website and watch the video:

Click here.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Create An Inernational Network in over 40 Countries!

Cropped version of Churchill as Chancellor of the Exchequer 1927Image via WikipediaI am very confident that this is the best offer in town! If you love helping people to be successful and leverage on the company's operations in over 40 countries, take action now and just do it!

Now is the time to stop dreaming and start doing and leverage on a successful home-based business owner who has been doing it for over 14 years!

Work with me for 30 days and if after following my step by step instruction and with minimum effort you cannot make at least $300 in your first 30 days I will refund you your $290 home-based business package fee!

I am being so generous because your success is part of my success and having been in the business for 14 years I know exactly what you need to do to be successful.

I also wholeheartedly believe in these words of wisdom by Winston Churchill, "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."

Here are five realistic possibilities:

6 to 12 months to reach Diamond and earn $800 to $1.500 a month!I
12 to 24 months to reach Presidential Diamond to earn $3,000 to $5,000 a month!
24 to 48 months to reach International Diamond to earn $13,000 to $20,000 a month!
3 to 5 years to reach Gold International Diamond to earn $50,000 to $60,000 a month!
5 to 10 years to reach Platinum International Diamond to earn $150,000 to $175,000 a month!

If it takes you 2 to 3 years to earn $10,000 a month, is it worth your time and effort? And imagine if you earn half of it, which is $5,000 a month, is it worth it?
Buy why half it when you can double it?

Choose the figures above you can believe in and work at it and you can always extend the time you want to achieve it, it is all up to you!

Plus you have $5,403 worth of offline and online support to ensure your success. If you are sincere, serious and committed towards achieving your dreams, give me a call now!
Call 98565007 or email:

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Make $100 A Day With This Website!

Yes, you can make $100 a day with this website, let Stone Evans, top internet marketer who made millions on the Internet show you how to do it!

Click on this website now:

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Are you leveraging on the Internet?

August 1999 - presentImage via WikipediaThere are many free accounts where you can post your ideas and articles about your busienss and get free advertisements and contacts!

I have Internet presence, if you key "Bruce Seah" in Google, you will find over 7,000 sites with my names. I am making money online with this simple program and so can you!
Click here.