Thursday, May 29, 2008

When There is No Risk And So Much To Gain, Why Not Do It?

Here's an irresistible offer: a simple, profitable and duplicable home-based business!

You get $5,403 worth of offline and online support for free!
See the digital package worth $403 at my website, click here.

You get to leverage on my 14 years of home-based business experience and over $70,000 investment in personal development and business education.

You get a 2-hour workshop and weekly 45-minute follow up session for the next three months.

You get $372 worth of health supplements that will strengthen your heart and boost up your immune system to protect you from contagious and deadly viruses!

You get a comprehensive business kit with CDs and VCDs.

You get a set of four books worth $47 and I will show you how to attend my one-day Create Wealth And Live Your Dreams Seminar for free!

All of the above for a one-time investment of only $297.
You have a 30-day risk-free 100% money-back guarantee!

For more information, give me a call at 9856 5007. This offer is only for those who live in Singapore. For those who live in USA and Canada, I have another special offer, email me at for the details.

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